Intelligence Group
The Intelligence Group of the Black Phalanx Corp. is state of the art in producing and providing Risk-Analysing and Assessmen. Information, latest facts and up to date intelleigence for almost 95% of the known main and secondary trade routs result in 100% postiv reputation.
Our staff which is trained in the newest analysis techniques and has a high level of military based skills and experience. Their experience is your advantage in planing and conducting a profitable convoy operation.
Isaac "PROMETHEUS" Harrington
Isaac Harington was born in 2916 near New Mars City. His family has a long lasting tradition as traders and was running a small transportation company. His father is a descendant of a family which belongs to the colonists of the Artemis-Mission in 2232.
He has also two older brothers who were also involved inside the family company.
Since the UEE started the SynthWorld Project, Isaac's family was one of many entreproneurial families which suffered from the impacts of SynthWorld.
Due to the given facts of being impacted negativly by the money wasting project and it's consequences, his father build up more and more connections to illegal individuals and started to become involved in smuggling activities.
Issac decided not to take part in these kind of business and joined the UEE Marine Corps were he learned and trained his analytical skills.
Risk Analyst
Public Relation
Aegis Dynamics Sabre, Aegis Dynamics Gladius, Aegis Dynamics Retaliator